
In jouw ogen ben ik verzonken
In jouw storm ben ik verdronken.
De storm is nu voorbij.
Doch, Uw stilte regent steeds in mij. 

''Billiards and cigarette''

oil on two canvases - 60 x 85 cm 

This painting depicts the human society as it is constructed today, resembling it with a billiards game. The game is on, but there are some rules, as always. There is only one ball, the earth, and two holes. The first one is a typical billiards corner hole. The other one is a gap on the front side which will transfer the game outside the conventional table. There is a time limit as the cue has been transformed into a cigarette. People are watching in the background.

The initial inspiration of the painting was by the homonymous novel ''Billiards and a cigarette route'' of the independant writer I.K.V.

''Globalbility Map''

mixed media on wood - 37 x 75 cm 

''Globalbility Map'' is a depiction of the world atlas where continents have changed positions. The position of a continent does not matter, nor the position of the adjacent ones, as long as we are all individual human beings. Moreover, all continents as connected creating one and only territory, where stereotypes do not exist.

In order to create this map, an ikea drawer was scratched and painted with acrylic colour. ''Globalbility Map'' was made for the needs of Globalbility Project (http://www.globalbility.org)


The independency of Catalunya is a current issue with a long history. The demand of the local people for their region to become an independant state has become stronger nowadays due to the financial crisis, as Catalunya is the wealthiest region in Spain, but also the most heavily one in debt. 

The photos below try to depict the willingness for ''Independencia'' in the every day life of the Catalans. They have been taken in the neighborhood of Gracia in Barcelona.