
The independency of Catalunya is a current issue with a long history. The demand of the local people for their region to become an independant state has become stronger nowadays due to the financial crisis, as Catalunya is the wealthiest region in Spain, but also the most heavily one in debt. 

The photos below try to depict the willingness for ''Independencia'' in the every day life of the Catalans. They have been taken in the neighborhood of Gracia in Barcelona.






egibza said...

Thaks for the tip..

Absolutely true. The great thing of these photos is that are taken not in a special day, is our quotidian life. The theme of the independence is becoming everyday more and more important because catalan people sees the independence of their country like the only solution for the crisis they are living.
Two facts to highlight in order to have a real picture of the current situation: The last 11th Sep was Catalonia's bigest celebration day, and was one of the busiest marchs ever.
Moreover, yesterday were the elections in Catalanoia and the result was overwhelming: almost 60% of the votes were for indenpendentist partys.

Next step, referendum.

Me, Myself and I said...

But from what I read about the elections, about 2/3 of the votes went to parties that support independancy, but on the other hand the percentage of the first party has decreased, sth that made more difficult the project of the referendum, plus there are three or four smaller parties that got an essential percentage, something that I assume that makes the whole procedure more complicated...

I am curious to find out though, what are the regulations of EU, in case that Catalonia becomes and independant state. Is it going to be directly into the EU?