Time goes slowly...or does it go fast? What do we prefer? People want their life to last longer...so they want time to go slowly...who does not want to live longer...
But what about when we are in pain? or when we are in a hospital? or when we emotionally suffer? Then we want time to pass like a superfast train, which does not give the opportunity to its passengers to enjoy the surroundings...
But isn't that controversial? What is life consisted of? Moments...hundred, thousands of moments, happy and sad, stressful and relaxed, slow and fast. We want life to last longer, its time to run slowly, but at the same time, we want specific moments, which constitute life, to go fast. But if they go fast, then life will go fast. And when life goes fast, we all know what is coming next. But we do not want that. We want life to go slowly. But if it goes slowly then all those moments will go slowly and will increase the amount of our suffering...Confusion...
But what is more important, the life or the moment? Life is consisted of moments, life needs moments, it is based on those for its own existence. But a moment does not ''need'' life, it can exist by itself. But on the other hand, they seem somehow so equal. Life can be a moment and a moment can be a life. But then it comes the question...what do we define as a moment? A second can be a moment...but then, what is the microsecond? and then, what about the milisecond? Confusion...
But what when life runs fast and slowly at exactly the same time...Imagine a flight lasting for four hours, which goes fast...nothing to think about. When the plane lands, you do not even remember that you were flying for four hours. It feels like one moment.
During exactly the same four hours, someone else may pass through really difficult situations, physical or emotional, it does not matter. These same four hours may be dramatic, hard and really slow. When they pass, this someone may remember every moment of those. They seem to be four days, four years or four decades. And these same four hours are consisted of much more specific moments. And this someone would love to exchange his four hours with yours...
But it is exactly the same amount of time...Mathematically, the two moments are equal...but life is not maths...fortunately or unfortuantely?
This clock is one of my favorites images..
Time? obviously relative. The problem is that human being based their existence on it. Everything tending to a number, doesn't matter which one. People needs to understand and thinks the way is cronological. The phisical universe is essentially non phisical, and time and space are just constructs of this non materialness..
Quantum Physics has some answers about this. If someone wants an easy approach of what Quantum Physics says about Time, I would suggest to see the film "What the #$*! Do We Know!?". You'll be conscious that past and future can be relative as well.
Thas is true, human being is much more dependant on the numbers (regarding time) that it should be. Maybe now with all this financial crisis people in the western world (because I think that this dependance it is there where it is relaly strong) should reconsider a lot of aspects of their life.
Maybe it is an opportunity to give some credit and try to approach the budhistic theories and try to apply them, in a level, in our lives.
have not seend the movie but I will check it
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