Marijuana...a crime without victim

Marijuana is a reality of our society. It is a development of the society. It is a step forward, something natural against something invented like cigarette. Fortunately, the society has started to accept it. Unfortunately, it does it because, very simply, it cannot stop it. Cannabis has entered our society and it does not have any leaving plans.

People have been taught to believe that cannabis is a bad thing. Why? Why should avoid anybody from smoking a joint? It does not harm. Cigarette does, but it is one of the biggest legal industries. It does not kill. Guns do but they are (il)legally sold everywhere. It does not create addictions. Consumism and heroin do. It is not a need, it is a will.

Then, what’s wrong?
It may make you feel relaxed. CRIME.
It may let the stress go away, even short term. CRIME.
It may create nice utopian thoughts. CRIME.
It may empty your mind. This is THE CRIME.

Please, do not make it legal, do not make it a typical consuming product, or you may remove any subversive aspects from it. Marijuana is for people; cocaine is for luxury.

Dé unknown psychological aspect

Dérive in W. Allen's movie ''Midnight in Paris''

''Psychogeography is the sector of psychology that studies how the emotions and the behavior of people are influenced by the functions of the geographical environment''   

Never heard of it. Then It comes...

''Dérive, in psychogeography, is an unplanned journey in an urban environment, influenced by objective (architecture and environment) and subjective (emotions and mood) criteria''. The concept of dérive has its origins in Paris.

Did not know it as well. Until I experienced it with my friend M.M., what a coincidence, in Paris. It was on purpose without being aware even of the existence of the word dérive (another friend, M.M. as well, passed the knowledge). You see, we have been taught, even our holidays, to have to be perfectly planned and programmed. How pathetic people is sometimes. This needs to change. Because the original dérive (no maps, no time, no objective purpose) is a real journey among people and their creations. You walk and you observe. You walk and you smell. You walk and you dream. No stress. No hurry. 

Opposite side of the road. London. A professional, representing a company, officially proposes to the London Council (which liked the idea), to install high velocity lanes on the pavements, so as to ''help'' people walk faster. He also proposes financial fines, for those who delay the already stressed people. We, people in the ''civilized'' countries, already have so much stress. And how do we reward ourselves? We give us more...

Unfortunately, it seems that the initial plan to construct robots to help us has changed. Now we want us to construct ourselves...